My Liberating Approach to Teaching and the Howabouts of Its Transforming Power

  • Seyed Mohammad Hassan Hosseini Independent Researcher, Iran
Abstract views: 595 , pdf downloads: 396
Keywords: Cognitive Socio-Political Language Learning Theory; Method engineering; Competitive Team-Based Learning; Catalyst for transformation and change; Civilised societies and World peace


This paper attempts to throw into sharp relief my liberal instructional approach, Competitive Team-Based Learning, and shed light on its design, objective, syllabus, materials, and tasks. It also gives a glimpse of the significance of my pedagogical approach for today's world context of globalization, which is characterized by despotism, capitalism, and imperialism. Most importantly, the paper explicates the howabouts of my liberating approach transforming power and highlights its distinguishing features and characteristics with reference to the present methods and approaches like CLT and particularly CL methods.




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How to Cite
Hosseini, S. M. H. (2020). My Liberating Approach to Teaching and the Howabouts of Its Transforming Power. IJOTL-TL: Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics, 5(3), 155-168.