Team Game Tournament Learning Model to Improve the Students’ Speaking Achievement

  • Noor Mardliyah MTs N 2 Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia
Abstract views: 286 , pdf downloads: 357
Keywords: Team Game Tournament, action research, learning model


This study aims to find out whether the implementation of TGT can improve students’ speaking ability and activity in grade IX-D of MTs Negeri 2 Kudus. This is a classroom action research. This research was carried out in several cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The variables of this study comprise of student achievement and teacher activity. The results showed the teacher's performance increased according to the criteria on the indicator, which was shown in cycle I was sufficient and cycle II to be good. Student activities during learning are very good, in the first cycle with a percentage of 66.67% and the second cycle with a percentage of 93.33%. The students’ speaking achievement is shown by the average of students’ evaluation result in the first cycle (6.85) and the second cycle is 8.63. In the first cycle the students who finished learning were 14 students or 46.67% and those who did not complete as many as 16 students or 53.33%, and classical learning completeness 46.67%. In cycle II there were 30 students who had finished learning and none of them had finished learning, and classical learning completeness was 100.00%. This means that the results of the second cycle evaluation are better (increased) than the first cycle and need not be continued in the next cycle. The learning model of Team Game Tournament (TGT) is relatively high, reaching 81.73%.




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How to Cite
Noor Mardliyah. (2020). Team Game Tournament Learning Model to Improve the Students’ Speaking Achievement . IJOTL-TL: Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics, 5(3), 199-214.