Metaphor and Metonymy in Poems of Anne Sexton

  • Diyah Feronika
  • Unpris Yastanti
  • Fitri Yeni
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Keywords: Keyword: Anne Sexton, Conceptual Metaphor, Metonymy, Poems


This research investigates the significance of metaphors and metonymies in shaping cognitive comprehension of abstract concepts by analysing Anne Sexton’s poem “45 Mercy Streetâ€. The research method employed for this research is descriptive qualitative with Lakoff and Johnson’s (2003) conceptual metaphor framework to identify three types of conceptual metaphor and the metonymy concept structure. The data is taken from the collection of the poems within the third part entitled ‘The Divorce Paper’ consist of seventeen poems. The result of this study indicates that: (1) a total of twenty-four metaphorical expressions were detected, with varying distributions among the three types of conceptual metaphor, namely two of orientational metaphor, nine ontological metaphors, and thirteen structural metaphors. (2) seventeen metonymical expressions are found distributed in seven metonymy concept structure which are five ‘containers for content’, one ‘material for object’, one ‘controlled for the controller’, five ‘parts for whole’, two ‘places for events’, one ‘place for inhabitants’, and two ‘producers for product’


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How to Cite
Diyah Feronika, Unpris Yastanti, & Fitri Yeni. (2023). Metaphor and Metonymy in Poems of Anne Sexton . IJOTL-TL: Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics, 8(3), 120-136.