Identification of English Needs for Taekwondo Athletes in Palu Through ESP

  • Rif'ah Zakhiyah Universitas Tadulako
  • Jamiluddin Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Central Sulawesi
  • Aminah Suriaman Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Central Sulawesi
Abstract views: 58 , pdf downloads: 100
Keywords: ESP, Needs Analysis, Taekwondo Athlete.


The objectives of this research are to identify the perceptions of coaches/stakeholders and
athletes about ESP for athlete career development, and to analyze the English needs for
taekwondo athletes. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The respondents
from this research amounted to 25 people consisting of 13 coaches/stakeholders and 12
athletes. The first result of this research is coaches/stakeholders and athletes stating that
English has an important role in the career development of Taekwondo athletes. The second,
analysis of the athletes' ESP needs including, 1) In the weaknesses section, the majority of
coaches/stakeholders stated that taekwondo athletes could not speak English but this was
denied by the athletes where the majority of them stated that they were interested and could
speak a little English but because they do not realize its importance for the development of
their careers as athletes and there is no environmental support that facilitates them to speak
English. 2) In the Needs section, the aspects of ESP need in Taekwondo athletes that are the
main concern for their development are speaking and listening skills. 3) The majority of
coaches/stakeholders and athletes agree that after learning English, they want the athletes to
be able to communicate in English well.


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How to Cite
Zakhiyah, R., Jamiluddin, & Aminah Suriaman. (2024). Identification of English Needs for Taekwondo Athletes in Palu Through ESP. IJOTL-TL: Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics, 9(1), 44-55.