• Anak Agung Gede Suarjaya Universitas Warmadewa
  • Anak Agung Istri Wanik Warmadewi Universitas Warmadewa
  • I Gusti Ayu Agung Dian Susanthi Universitas Warmadewa
  • I Made Agus Angga Putra Universitas Warmadewa
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Keywords: form of lingua, endorse, implicature, Balinese celebgram


The main purpose of this research is to identify and describe the form of lingual implicature used in the endorsement content of Balinese celebgram. A qualitative approach was applied to this research. The endorsement video with Balinese language on @gek_ Cantik25 account is used as a data source. The data in this research is the utterances of the celebgram in lingual form which contains implicatures in the endorsement video in Balinese language. The data was collected by transcribing the video, then sorting the data according to the purpose of this research for further analysis. The data are presented with explanations that support the classification. There are three (3) lingual forms that contain implicatures in this research, namely declarative lingual forms, imperative lingual forms, and interrogative lingual forms. Meanwhile, the type of implicature contained does not depend on the lingual form but on the intent the speaker wants to convey.


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How to Cite
Gede Suarjaya, A. A., Istri Wanik Warmadewi, A. A., Dian Susanthi, I. G. A. A., & Angga Putra, I. M. A. (2022). LINGUAL FORM OF CONVERSATION IMPLICATURE ON ENDORSEMENT CONTENTS BY BALINESE CELEBGRAM. IJOTL-TL: Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics, 7(3), 312-321.