Generative Phonology Process of Suffix -/əm/ in Kudus Javanese Dialect

  • Intan Mustika Sari Universitas Sebelas Maret
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Keywords: Kudus Javanese dialect; phonological process; TGT (Transformational Generative Theory; OP (Optimality)


This article aims to investigate the phonological process of suffix -/əm/ existed in Kudus Javanese dialect that can be explained by Transformational Generative Theory with a distinctive feature analysis system to explain in detail the rules of the phonological process that occurs with the features involved in it. Optimality was used to determine the phonetic form (output) of a series of candidates and the obstacles that occurred in the process and supported by a voice analyzer (Speech Analyzer) as authentic evidence that visually described the voice form of the native speakers. The data were obtained from native speakers of Kudus Javanese dialect located in Burikan, Kudus, Central Java with observation, interview, and documentary techniques. This study also used intuitive data from the author as a native speaker of the Javanese dialect of Kudus. The results show that the phonological process that occurs in the Kudus Javanese dialect is the affixation with the suffix -/əm/ to reflect the second person's ownership marker with a base word of a consonant ending, while to express the possession of a second person with a vowel ending, sound /n/ is added in front of the suffix /-əm/. This research contributes to understanding the phonological process in a local language, especially toward a particular dialect. The implications of this research can be a reference in conducting further research on affixation or other phonological processes in different local languages to maintain the sustainability of local languages as one of the Indonesian people’s identities.


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How to Cite
Sari, I. M. (2023). Generative Phonology Process of Suffix -/əm/ in Kudus Javanese Dialect . IJOTL-TL: Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics, 8(2), 25-39.